Turn your Webelos
into Boy Scouts
1. Start early with your program for the first year boys to get all of
them to Arrow Of Light (A.O.L.).
2. Do not wait for September to start new Webelos den into active
3. Get together during the summer months to do some special activities.
The Aquanaut can be completed right away.
4. Pull the den together during the summer by doing small and simple
service projects for school, church, or community.
5. While doing regular programs with boys add those requirements for
'joining Boy Scouts'.
6. Get boys into the outdoors as soon as they start the Webelos Program.
7. Do as many activity pins outside as possible. Plan around a patio,
yard, Garage, Park, Pool, a business or any other place.
8. Have special Visitors over for den meetings to talk about specific
skill activities.
9. Spend sufficient time with each activity pin. Not one week, but two
to four weeks.
10. Try to get all the boys in the den to the Webelos badge at the same
time. Make it special for them at their recognition pack meeting.
11. Attend the monthly Roundtable meetings and 'Cub Leader Pow-Wow' to
get activity pin ideas and help.
12. Once into the program start planning ahead, up to six months, those
activities you want to do.
13. Work your program into your schedule, the seasons, the weather, the
Boy Scout Troop and sudden changes. Always have a back-up plan.
14. If a leader feels uncomfortable about doing an activity with the
boys get help, but do not pass up.
15. Give boys a sample of the skills, activities, requirements that the
Boy Scouts do.
16. Start early to get boys ready for camping. Have a backyard Day Camp
or overnighter.
17. Look for Troops in your area that the boys may go to and visit. Go
Camping with them. Have skills demonstrations with.
18. Take boys on meaningful tours and trips. Those more special than
their earlier Cub outings.
19. Now is the time to take boys out for hikes - in neighborhood, park,
construction site, open field.
20. Know what your boys want and give them all they can take. Every
Activity Pin if they so desire.
21. Realize that the second year for Webelos is a short one. Know when
to Graduate them ahead of time.
22. Plan well ahead for the A.O.L. and get an O.A. (Order of the Arrow)
ceremony schedule. Contact Troops for help.
23. Be sure to fulfill all the requirements for A.O.L. and those to get
the boys started into boy scouts.
24. Get parents involved, even more than before, so they will help carry
boys into Boy Scouts.
25. Visit more than one Troop in your area - early. Have parents go
along. Also to get a better understanding of the Boy Scout Program.
26. Having a Boy Scout Handbook to work from, refer to, show boys, get
ideas from and get them prepared with is a great training aid.
27. Be aware that boys are lost from the Boy Scout Program during the
first year if not properly prepared.
28. It is very important that boys experience camping before they join
the Boy Scouts to make it more comfortable for them.
29. Remember that a parent must be with a boy on campouts as Webelos
but, let the boys live the experience themselves.
30. Boys joining Boy Scouts are expected to be familiar with the outdoo
37. Having and using a trained 'Den Chief' will add to the program and
help leaders, too. The Webelos will enjoy having an older boy there.
38. Use as many assistant leaders and parents as possible to help with
any and all hands-on skills activities. A good safety factor, too.
39. Get outside experienced help to give boys the 'Whittling Chit'
Requirements and Demonstrations.
40. Boys should start working towards proper uniforming for the Boy
Scouts. Proper insignia placements is important.
41. Having a den doodle for the boys is a good tracking and incentive
tool to get them all into Boy Scouts.
42. Work with the Webelos at the beginning of their second year, a
little at a time, so that they know the Boy Scout Joining Requirements.
43. Have them start working towards the Boy Scout Tenderfoot physical
fitness requirements. This is the hardest requirement to fulfill.
44. Get boys started in making out duty rosters and menus for campouts
soon. They will have to do these on their own as Boy Scouts.
45. Get all of your boys to Webelos Summer Camp after their first year.
This will be their best Outdoor experience as a Webelos den.
46. Games, Skits, Songs, Stories, Competition with each other and a den
flag are very important parts of the Webelos Program.
47. Letting the boys pick a patrol name, with a patch, instead of a den
number will bring the boys closer to the Boy Scout Program.
48. The most important part of the Webelos Program is having well
trained leaders to pass on all those new skills to the boys.
Courtesy of BSA Troop 357
Rotterdam-Schenectady, New York
356-3897 Eve's
527-9534 Cell
Yours in Scouting Spirit,
John M. Papp
"Nendawen" ~The Torch
Carrier "He who shows the Way."
Eagle Scout Class of 1977
Scoutmaster of Troop 357
Rotterdam-Schenectady, New York
2001 National Jamboree "Jambo
TODAY" Newspaper Photo Editor
Schenectady District Email
"Since 9-11, America is
coming back to the values that scouting has
never left!"
~J.M. Papp
357, Where MEMORIES are Made, and TRADITION is
Words of Wisdom