(1) The Flamther Tailbone Patrol originated from a patrol
flag contest gone awry. The panther's neck grew until it looked more like a
flamingo. The tailbone came from a carved stick used to support the flag.
Patrol emblems were hard to come by.
(2) Our rule is that you have to use one of the premade
patrol patches and you have to be able to tell your mother!
Aztecs (uses Indian Chief patrol patch)
Coyote (uses Fox patrol patch) (never did catch our Roadrunner Patrol)
Green Moosehead (moose patch + green permanent marker)
Lumberjack (uses Pine Tree patrol patch, rotated 90 degrees)
Roadkill (uses upside down Raccoon patrol patch)
(3) The Ghost Patrol has a blank patrol patch with three
circles drawn on it in the shape of a face.
The Ditto Patrol has two black marks (") on their patch--their yell is
"Me Too"
(4) One of our first year emphasis patrols was the Raptor
patrol. The emblem they designed had a raptor standing on its hind legs. The
raptor wore a backpack and carried a hiking stave. They had the emblems put on
the blank patches by national.
One of our older scouts is heavy into theater and designed their patrol
medallion to resemble the "phantom" from the "Phantom of the
Opera." The blank patches are available through the scout shop, too, if
the scouts want to do their medallions with "puffy fabric paint" or
they have access to someone who can do machine embroidery.
(6) Cougar -- Current patrol name - Use the panther patrol
patch and the flag is a graphic that was found on the internet and printed to
a T-shirt transfer and then ironed on to a pillow case. The Scouts put a lot
of work into it.
StormTroopers -- Old Klondike Derby patrol name Flag was a hand drawn pic of a
Star Wars StormTrooper. When you turn the flag upside-down, it looks like the
Trix Rabbit. (Don't Ask)
Rebel Alliance -- Curent Klondike Derby patrol name (Got first place this
year). Flag was a pic if the Rebel Alliance logo from Star Wars.
Penguin -- Old Patrol name. Flag was the Pittsburgh Penguins Logo and so were
the patrol Patches.
Happy -- Old Patrol Name Logo on Flag and Patrol Patch were smiley faces.
We always let the boys pick their patrol names and sometimes they get
creative. We have some strange boys. Enjoy!
(7) The flag was a hand drawn picture of the "Hulk", only shaped like a pickle, ripping his scout shirt off. It was a classic.
The boss drives his men; | the leader coaches them. |
The boss depends on good will; | the leader depends on good will. |
The boss inspires fear; | the leader inspires enthusiasm. |
The boss says "I"; | the leader says "We." |
The boss assigns tasks; | the leader sets the pace. |
The boss says "Get here on time!"; | the leader gets there ahead of time. |
The boss fixes blame for the breakdown; | the leader fixes the breakdown. |
The boss knows how it's done; | the leader shows how. |
The boss makes work a drudgery; | the leader makes it a game. |
The boss says "Go!"; | the leader says "Let's go!" |
Winter Fun: Okpik Online!
Be Organized | -- know the background information |
Have Vision | -- understand the needs of the troop (or patrol) -- understand where the troop or patrol is now -- have a vision or goal of what the troop or patrol should become. |
Make a Plan | -- translate all goals and desires into definite
actions -- Who -- What -- Where -- When -- Why -- How |
Communicate | -- Let others know stuff -- Teach others know how to do stuff -- Get others to do stuff (make them WANT to do it) (By example) (By persuadinging) (By positive coaching) |
Evaluate | -- Listen to what others say -- Figure out what the REAL problems are -- Make changes |
1. Enthusiastic Beginner | 2. Disillusioned Learner | 3. Cautious Learner | 4.Self-Reliant Achiever |
High Confidence | Low Confidence | Medium to High Confidence | Supreme Confidence |
Low Ability | Some Ability | Greater Ability | High Ability |
Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) RESPONSIBLE TO: Scoutmaster SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Preside at all troop meetings, events, and activities. Run the Patrol Leaders Council * Keep patrol leaders informed * Name appointed scout leaders with the advice and consent of the Scoutmaster * Assign duties and responsibilities to other leaders * Work with Scoutmaster in training junior leaders * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) RESPONSIBLE TO: SPL SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Help with leading meetings and activities as called upon by the senior patrol leaden * Take over troop leadership in the absence of the senior patrol leader * Perform tasks assigned by the senior patrol leader * Function as a member of the patrol leaders' council * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
Troop Guide (TG) RESPONSIBLE TO: Scoutmaster SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Help Scouts meet advancement requirements through First Class * Advise Patrol Leader on his duties and his responsibilities at Patrol Leaders' Council meetings * Attend Patrol Leaders' Council meetings * Prevent harassment of new Scouts by older Scouts * Help assistant Scoutmaster train new patrol leaders when they are elected * Guide new Scouts through early troop experiences to help them become comfortable in the troop and the outdoors * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
Patrol Leader (PL) RESPONSIBLE TO: SPL SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Plan and lead patrol meetings and activities * Keep patrol members informed * Assign each patrol member a job and help them succeed * Represent the patrol at all patrol leaders' council meetings * Prepare the patrol to take part in all troop activities * Develop patrol spirit * Work with other troop leaders to make the troop run well * Know what patrol members and other leaders can do * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
Assistant Patrol Leader (APL) RESPONSIBLE TO: PL SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Assist the patrol leader in * planning and leading patrol meetings and activities * keeping patrol members informed * preparing your patrol to take part in all troop activities * Take charge of the patrol in the absence of the patrol leader * Help Represent the patrol at all patrol leaders' council meetings * Help develop patrol spirit * Work with other troop leaders to make the troop run well * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
Scribe RESPONSIBLE TO: SPL SPECIFIC DUTIES * Attend and keep a log of Patrol Leaders' Council meetings * Record meeting & campout attendance * Record advancement in troop records * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
Quartermaster (QM) RESPONSIBLE TO: SPL (and works with the troop committee member responsible for equipment) SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Keep records of patrol and troop equipment * Keep equipment organized and in good repair * Make sure patrols take care of equipment * Suggest new or replacement items * Work with troop committee member responsible for equipment * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
Librarian RESPONSIBLE TO: SPL SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Establish and maintain a troop library * Keep records on literature owned by the troop * Add new or replacement items needed * Have literature available for borrowing at troop meetings * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
Historian RESPONSIBLE TO: SPL SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Gather pictures and facts about past activities of the troop and keep them in scrapbooks, wall displays, or information files * Take care of troop trophies and keepsakes * Keep information about troop alumni * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster (JASM) RESPONSIBLE TO: Scoutmaster SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Function as an Assistant Scoutmaster (except for leadership responsibilities reserved for adults 18 and 21 years of age or older) * Accomplish any duties assigned by the Scoutmaster * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |
Den Chief (DC) RESPONSIBLE TO: SPL, Scoutmaster, Den Leader SPECIFIC DUTIES: * Serve as the activities assistant at den meetings * Meet regularly with the den leader to review the den and pack meeting plans * If serving as a Webelos den chief, prepare boys to join Boy Scouting * Set a good example * Wear the uniform correctly * Live by the Scout Oath and Law |