September 11, 2002 Schenectady District Roundtable Notes
Hi Schenectady District,
WELCOME to another
Fun-Filled Year of Scouting in the Schenectady District. We have Quite a
bit of info to pass on to you, so sit back, grab a cup of Java and enjoy.
We are including Schenectady District info from this Roundtable AND the
Current Council "Signals" Newsletter that was "just"
received today in the mail.
DISCLAIMER: These notes are the results of my
scribbling and recollection, I make no claims to it being 100% accurate.
Being now 39, I cannot have "Senior Moments," at least not yet.
So they are my "Junior Moments" for now. Occasionally, (!?) I
will express my opinion, however it is only my opinion. This Opinion and
a $1 will get me a cup of Coffee and a $1 more will get me a "Chalupa."
PLEASE feel free to "forward" this entire message to ANY
Parents or Leaders in your Units. Or better yet, print it out
for your meetings and quite possibly a good laugh.
IF anyone ever wishes to be added to this unique email list, please have them
email me here at:
We currently have 199 (!) Scout Leaders
on this email list.
IF you receive MORE than one copy of this posting, please
notify me and accept my apologies. Free email you know.
Attention all Internet Scouters, I am sending the next edition of "Scout
Stuff FOUND" this week. If you have subscribed for this great list,
and do not receive it by Friday, please let me know, the entire Scout Stuff
Address List is now vapor, so I rewrote it from memory, which isn't the
greatest all the time. (<;
If you wish to be ADDED to this list, reply back to me here at
and we will be more than glad to add you to our Internet Scouting Surfer's
list. This list sends out every now and then (READ:
John get's some free time) messages, hints, ideas, links
and info that is ahhhhhh, errrrr
"Scout Stuff Found on the
****START September 11, 2002 Schenectady District Roundtable Notes****
Tonight's Roundtable was not a regular opening & closing
ceremony, due to the remembrance of the Victims and Heros of September
11th, 2001. The Schenectady District Extends our Heartfelt Thanks to the
Following coordinators of this Honorable Ceremony. Denise Sherman-Schwind,
Herb Roes, John Papp & the Troop 357 Honor Guard.
************************Scouting For Food 2002******************
Andy Kopach, Bart Chabot & Hal Burke have been REAL Busy with our
District's 2002 Scouting For Food drive. They brought out the maps, and
most units in attendance were staking their Territories throughout the County.
If you have not yet signed up, please contact Andy at
or Bart at
with your territory requests, Questions and ideas. It is FANTASTIC that
we are starting the Scouting For Food Planning early and there are a few new
ideas that we believe will work out real well.
Andy & Bart will be providing us unit leaders with a Cell Phone #, where
we can contact them on the Day of Bag Distribution Saturday November 16th,
2002. If you have Need or Have "EXTRA" Bags, it is
requested that you call them immediately. The MORE Bags we get
out, the better our donation pick ups the following week. It has been
asked that each and every unit
takes on a larger territory.
Here is a letter from Andy, Bart & Hal:
September 11, 2002
Unit Leaders and Committee Chairperson:
Subject: National Good Turn
On behalf of Hal Burke Jr., Bart Chabot and I, it is our pleasure to be
heading the District Scouting's Annual Good Turn " Scouting for
Food" Drive.
The program for 2002 and information is as follows:
Units are requested to sign up for their area of choice at the September
11th, October 9th and November 13th 2002 Round Tables. We will be
available those evenings from 6:45 PM to 8:15 PM. Preference will be
to Units who have previously canvassed specific areas. To endure maximum
coverage of the Schenectady District and prevent crossing into each other's
area, each Unit is requested to sign up for a specific area. No free
lancing please!
We encourage each participating unit to expand their area, as a large
portion of the District is not solicited during this food drive. The
addition of one or two streets adds only a minuscule time to your pick up
time and the additional food is well appreciated.
I have requested 40,000 bags this year. When picking up the bags at the
Nov. 13th Round Table, we plan to provide you with the bags you expect to
use and have requested. We plan on having mobile resupply capability for
the units that run short on bag distribution day. The plan is to travel
you in 15 minutes or so of a cell phone call and deliver to your units extra
bags to cover shortfalls. If a unit is unable to be at the RT to pick up
bags, please contact us earlier to arrange for bag pickup.
Bag distribution date is Saturday November 16th 2002, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM (or
Bag collection date is Saturday November 23rd 2002, 9:00 AM to Noon (or so).
Each unit is asked to bring the food to the IUE Hall on Erie Boulevard in
Schenectady or to a Food pantry of their choice. In any event, I
like to receive a count of food items and participating scouts and adults
that day.
It is advisable to separate glass items if possible and use boxes to lessen
the likelihood of breakage during transportation and handling.
Please use the Unit Pickup Recap Sheet that will be provided at bag
distribution to aid us in our accounting. To determine the amount of
your unit has picked up, you may count the actual bags picked up, actual
items in each of the bags or by sampling - count the actual bags picked up
and take 20 random bags and count the actual contents, average them over the
20 bags and extend this quantity over the total actual bags picked up.
VERY IMPORTANT: Please keep your Unit Pickup Recap Sheet and turn
it in at
the time you bring in your food in.
If you have any questions, please call me.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation in making this National Good Turn
a success.
Andy Kopach
Bart Chabot
Hal Burke Jr.
H: 356-0190
H: 393-9918
W: 385-5325
************Schenectady District Training*******************
"A TRAINED Leader makes for a Quality
Unit Program."
Coordinator of Training for the Schenectady District, Harold Knox has
announced the following Schedule for Schenectady Scouters.
There is a Complete Schedule Available of Training Opportunities from all
districts in the new September-October Issue of Twin Rivers
"Signals", or from Harold. If you have any District
Training Questions, you can contact Harold at:
The Basic Leader Training is a little "out of sequence" this year
with the first available Session being Session 3, "Introduction to
Outdoor Leader Skills Training."
Here are the details:
Session #3: Introduction to Outdoor
Leader Skills Training
6PM Friday September 27th to 12 Noon Sunday September 29th, 2002
Camp Wakpominee, Ft Ann, NY
Cost is $15 each
Course Director Ray Hensler 494-3456
This Course is required
training for Boy Scout Leaders. Other Scouters, Cub Scouters, and
Webelos Leaders may take the course as supplemental training. This
Course does NOT take the place of the Webelos Leader Outdoor Training
Course required for Webelos Leaders.
Registration deadline is 9/25/02 Questions? Contact Ray at #
Webelos Leader Outdoor Training
Saturday 10/19/02 8:30AM to 4PM
Camp Boyhaven
Cost is $7 each
This course will focus on the outdoor phase of the Webelos Program.
Bring a bag lunch, refreshments
Bring pencil, paper and Webelos
Dress for the outdoors, it may
be cool
pre registration REQUIRED by
Bob Fagan Course Director 399-4322 after 5PM
Session #1 New Leaders Essentials
Training & Youth Protection
October 23, 2002 6:30PM registration
St Clares hospital, McClellan St. Schenectady
Cost is $2 for NLE, and $5 for Cub Leader Training
Session #2
October 30, 2002 6:30PM
Cub Leader Training
St Clares hospital, McClellan St. Schenectady
Registration due by 10/21/02
**************Cub Day Camp***************************
Ruth LaCoss Cub Day Camp Director, Gave a report on our Districts
Successful Cub Day Camp from this past Summer. We had over 100 Cubs
Participate under the watchful Guidance of 44 Volunteers. The Cub Day
Camp was supported by 25 Packs.
Then there was the "discussion" over DD Rob Zak "Fishin'"
for Keys out of the local latrine. . . . . . . . . Word is that photos
were taken, we'll "see" if we could include them on our District
Website REALLLLLL SOON! Don't cha' wonder how they got there in the
first place???
******Work Days at Camp Boyhaven************
Our Camp Boyhaven Ranger Gus Boucher told us about the upcoming Camp Boyhaven
work days. He is also in need of "wood choppers, splitters &
cutters," they are building a "leanto mover," and already
planning on getting things ready for next year! He has
projects for Tigers to us "Older" Veterans. From Ages 6-66.
Camp Boyhaven Gopher/Termite Day is October 12th, from 8:30AM to
We have projects for everyone big and small, Skilled or not, all you need is
to give a head count by October 10th. CALL 885-7800 or 882-6040
We need chain saws & wood splitters. We have tools for painting &
Coffee and cold drinks will be provided. Plus we'll provide lunch at
The camp needs your HELP, Morning, Afternoon or the WHOLE DAY. Please
join us for a day of work, fun and fellowship of scouting.
Scouts who complete 4 hours of Camp Boyhaven Work will be eligible to purchase
the Camp Boyhaven "Trailblazer" Strip.
If you cannot make it on this specific day, I am sure that you can call Gus to
set up a work day to assist. All help welcome.
*********COUNCIL FALL CAMPOREE*****************
Everyone should have received the flyers & Info for the Council Fall
Camporee up at the Great Escape. Tickets/Reg must be sent in by 9/20/02.
YES, park IS OPEN to the public. Special Campfire for Scouts on Saturday
Night. For all Cubs & Scouts, Wristband System will get you in.
Flashlight Ray Parade Saturday night going to Campfire, following Campfire
Registration by District, Look for Schenectady. There you will receive
Patchs, wristbands etc. . for registration.
Class "B" Uniforms IN Park, Class A's only required for
Opening, Flag Parade & Closing Ceremonies.
ALSO needs Boy Scout Unit Registration Personnel (4-5 Scouters) and Cub Scout
Registration Personnel (4-5 Cub Leaders) Schenectady District also needs
to provide 3-5 Adults Leaders for Crossing/Traffic Control, 2-4 Goodwill
Ambassadors in The Building for videos and general display of Scouting.
and finally 2-4 "Environmental Enhancers." (I'm
scared as to what this EE job may entail, knowing that Rob may have some
experience via his fishin' expedition noted above, I nominate him.)
Other Questions Answered:
Food is on your own. Food is
also available in the park. $$ No Ground Fires in Subcamps. Stay
as long as you wish, all day right up to the end of the fireworks display.
Fireworks are scheduled for 9PM Saturday. Campfire is 8PM.
(Following From Sarah)
It looks as though we will need a few volunteers to help with cub
registration on Sat. Registration will start at 8:30, opening ceremony
be at 9:45. The park is opening up at 10AM for us. Cub
registration will
continue till 3PM.
I have suggested that they collect a list of names, for those who
pre-register. Since they are paying such a fee, I don't think a list is
unreasonable. Then those who have preregistered will have a separate
line to
check in and collect their ticket, wristband, and patch.
In front of the park, they fly 6 American flags. For the weekend, they
going to fly the 6 district flags.
Inside the park, they are going to have a scout information booth as well as
a facility for showing scout videos (camp, high adventure, etc.) and
information. We may want to have someone help cover these areas as well.
I noticed on the schedule that on Sat., from 3-5 they have 'patch trading'.
Following Sat. dinner, there will be a show (organized by the Gt. Escape) and
fireworks. They are including a flashlight parade (I think from the show
area to the fireworks area).
The park has had a lot of input into the program. It should be a fun
*********Schenectady District SPRING 2003 Camporee**************
We will be holding a reorganizational meeting of our 2003 Spring Camporee
Committee at the October Roundtable. We
will hold this meeting at 7PM. We need to chose a
Camporee Chairperson.
**********From Sarah******************
MAKE SURE that you sign in at the front table each and every month.
These sign in sheets are cross checked with "Training" to make sure
you get Credit towards the Adult Leader "Knot" Awards Program.
Watch the District Website, as we will be adding a page on Adult Leader Awards
UPDATE of the District Unit/email list will be distributed at the October
POPCORN appears to be going well, special Thanks to Denise Schwind and all her
efforts to coordinate the Pack 67 & 888 Show-N-Sells at the Glenville
WalMarts last week.
Thank You Alice.
Refreshments will be going back to the split sessions. This is to make
our time more efficient in going from the General Session to our Split
NEXT Roundtable, we are "supposed" to be meeting in the
"Commons Room" when they get started on Cafeterria construction.
**********From John Ricci*****************
We made the Chief Scout Executives "Winners Table!"
Popcorn fundraiser is well on the way.
Schenectady District has MORE People Involved in working on the District Level
than there has in the past. We are starting out the year very well.
**********From Rob Zak District Director****************
The YWCA is working with providing programs with Scouting, for more info,
contact Rob, or see the handouts that were provided. The YWCA is hosting
a Violence Prevention and domestic violence education course aimed at the
youth in our community. The offer is open to Schenectady Scout Units.
You can also contact the Schenectady YWCA at 374-3394 for details.
Here is the news on our "NEW"
Schenectady District Web Site.
We have 25 Pages up and running now on the Internet, with
several pages waiting to be added. (District Calender, Camping Recipes,
"About the Schenectady District, Training Etc. . .)
I am also searching for Scout Graphics and a few Internet Beeps N
Whistles in the coming weeks.
There are 2 Address's you can use to get in:
Both work well depending upon YOUR WEB BROWSER.
If there are any units that
I do NOT have listed as "Units on the Web," Please contact me with
YOUR Website address.
If you have any Camping Recipes
that YOU would like to share on our Camping Recipes Page,
Email me. I am working on a Camping Recipes Page right now as we
We have also added a "Webmasters
Notes & Updates" page, so that you can see the
changes and updates to the District Website. As well as
"when" they were made.
If you have any Scouting Websites that You would like to add to our Sites
for Scout Surfing, Email me.
let's have YOUR input.
And make SURE that you sign our Guest
Each year at the Council Annual Meeting, several dedicated and deserving
Scouting Volunteers are awarded the prestigious Silver Beaver Award.
This award is the highest form of recognition that a council can present to a
This award does not just happen by itself. Applications for qualified
candidates must be submitted by friends, family and fellow scouters who know
their story that makes them special.
Accomplishments that are considered for the Silver Beaver include:
Scouting tenure
Service to Scouting
Service to the community outside of
Contact Nancy Hartstein at 869-6436 x39 for a Silver Beaver Application.
Remember, no matter how worthy a Scouter may be, they can't be recognized or
even considered unless an application is submitted on their behalf. ~from
the Twin Rivers "Signals" Newsletter
*************SPECIAL SERVICES***********************
Special Services:
Gold Star Mother's Service is set for Sept. 29th
at 2 PM, Evergreen Cemetery. Open House to be held at Niskayuna American
Legion Post 1092 after the Services.
Schenectady District Scouts Statue of
Liberty Rededication Services, Saturday October 26th 2002 at 9AM. ALL
It is the Schenectady Scouts from
1952 who purchased and originally dedicated this statue, it is now our honor
to attend the yearly services, especially since this is the 50th
ANNIVERSARY of our Schenectady Scouts ORIGINAL Donation. PLEASE
place this important ceremony on your unit calenders!!
Veteran's Day Services will be held at Veteran's Park, State Street,
opposite the new MVP Building at 11 AM on November 11th. Open House at
Rotterdam Elks Lodge 2157, Curry Road after the Services.
The youth of today must continue the spirit of patriotism and remembering
those who sacrificed so that we all can be free.
von Maucher
Commissioner Troop 15 & 357
************Tiger Cub FUN DAY 2002******************
All New Tiger Cubs and their partners are invited to come
to Camp Boyhaven Saturday, October 19th for a day of games and activities.
An Opening ceremony will be held at 9:00AM, and the event will conclude at
approximately 2:00PM The cost is $5 per Tiger Cub and includes lunch.
Please pregister at our Council Service Center. If you have any
questions, please contact our District Cub Activities Coordinator Denise
Sherman-Schwind at 347-2870
DEN CHIEFS for this day are also needed.
************KLONDIKE DERBY 2003***********************************
Derby and Deep Freeze at Camp Boyhaven Celebrates 40th Anniversary
in January, 2003! And You’re
The 40th Annual Klondike Derby and Deep Freeze at Camp Boyhaven will
be held January 25-26, 2003. Event
brochures will be in the mail to Schenectady and Sir William Johnson District
Scoutmasters by October 15. Other
Twin Rivers Council troops are most welcome to join us!
Leaders may obtain information from the Camp Boyhaven website at
(after November 1) or by contacting George Loucks (884-0588).
Come one; come all! Let’s
celebrate the “Big Four-O” in a Big Way!
and Webelos Dens are invited to Camp Boyhaven on Saturday, January 25 to observe
50 or more Boy Scout Patrols as they compete in the Klondike Derby skill events.
Do note, however, that no activities are planned for Cubs or Webelos on
Saturday; they are not to overnight camp with a Boy Scout Troop.
This is an event for Boy Scout participation only.
There are no registration fees for Cubs, their leaders or parents.
Special patches will be presented to the first 125 boys who register on
Saturday, January 25. More detailed
information will be available at fall Roundtable Meetings.
Or contact George Loucks at 884-0588
Popcorn Sale at
Glenville Walmart
Friday September 20th
all hours available
Saturday September 21st Pack 59 1-4
Sunday September 22nd all hours available
Please contact myself or Larry Vincent if you wish to be
included and we can discuss a show and sell order.
Thank you,
In Scouting,
Denise M. Sherman-Schwind
Schenectady District
Twin Rivers Council Popcorn Committee
******PACK 888********************
Hi all.
I am in need of
donations of Shirts, neckerchiefs and slides
for my boys in Pack 888.
Any size in GOOD condition.
They range from Wolves
to Webelos.
I would like them prior
to this Tuesday night's meeting so if you are able to help, please contact
me ASAP and I will arrange a pick up.
In Appreciation,
Denise M. Sherman-Schwind
Pack 888 Advisor
been a frequent visitor to Pack 888 over the past month, and would
like to Thank "Miss D" for all she has done to bring the Cub Scout
Program to a much needed area and fine group of Cub Scouts. GREAT
~John M. Papp Scoutmaster Troop 357
********Council Website******************
Council website has been "down" for quite some time (two
months at least). It is back up and running this week with a
only change is the addition of "bsa".
Boyhaven Webmaster
******NEW Roundtable Meeting Opening Ceremonies*****************
With the Success of the September 2002's Opening & Closing
Ceremonies, we have come up with another GREAT idea.
Yes, I was working overtime on "Mountain Dew"
again, sorry.
We will be having a Different Troop & Pack responsible for the
Roundtable Opening Ceremony each and every month.
Troops will have the ODD Months
starting with last weeks Ceremony.
Packs will have the EVEN MONTHS
starting with Next Months (October) Ceremony.
Responsibilities will include:
Presenting the Colors
(walking into the Room with the American Flag)
Leading the Roundtable in the
Pledge of Allegiance.
Roughly 5 minutes at the most, so the Scouts & Cubs can get home for
This will assist you as Leaders with presenting the District your Unit
and quite possibly interest other Leaders & Parents in attending the
Roundtable Programs on a more routine basis.
PACK for the October 9th Roundtable.
OK, I've stuck my neck out on the line, let's
have a DOZEN EMAILS from you Cubmasters and
Scoutmasters to sign up. PLEASE!! The
Opening Ceremony ONLY takes 5 Minutes! . . .and
this would "showcase" YOUR Unit!
Let me know your #1, 2 & 3rd Choice of months. Remember
Packs have Even Months and Troops have Odd Months. We need 9 Units
to commit to this fine ceremony. (5 Packs & 4 Troops.)
Leaders will receive calls or emails from me the week prior
as a reminder.
I sincerely THANK YOU in
anticipation of your generous support of this Fine Citizenship Project.
Our Council is now planning on a Calgary High Adventure TOUR
specifically for Adult Leaders in Twin Rivers Council. In the
Past, Leaders have gone to Alaska and to the Caribbean this past
January. If you are interested in signing up for this Calgary
Tour, contact High Adventure Coordinator
****************Schenectady District Email Calender************
We are NOW creating a Schenectady District Email Calender with all
notable Dates of importance. It will be sent to you within the
upcoming week, as well as be available on our District Website.
If you have
ANYTHING that you wish to have added to
this calender,
PLEASE feel free to send it to me.
Including your Unit Fundraisers.
I like to KNOW when units are having Breakfasts, Car Washes, Popcorn
sales, Christmas Wreath Sales Etc. . . . So we can
ALL help support each other.
This is YOUR District Email List, let's support YOUR Unit &
Community Activities, Fundraisers etc. . .
Yours in Scouting Spirit,
"Nendawen" ~The Torch Carrier, "He who shows
the way."
Eagle Scout Class of 1977
Scoutmaster of Troop 357, Rotterdam-Schenectady, New York
2001 National Jamboree "Jambo TODAY" Photo Editor
Schenectady District Email Administrator
Sisilija Chapter Patch Advisor
Aged Patch Collector
"Since 9-11, America
is coming BACK to the Values that SCOUTING has
~J.M. Papp
"If YOU have a penny and I
have a penny and we exchange pennies, YOU still have one cent and I
still have one cent. . . ."
"But if YOU have an idea
and I have an idea and we exchange ideas, YOU now have two ideas and I now
have two ideas. . . . ."
WOW, this was a LONNNNNNG Message?
Let's now "Hope" I didn't forget anything. . . .