Coordinator of Training for the Schenectady District, Harold Knox has
announced the following Schedule for Schenectady Scouters.
St Clares hospital, McClellan St. Schenectady
Cost is $2 for NLE, and $5 for Cub Leader Training
St Clares hospital, McClellan St. Schenectady
Bart Chabot reported on Scouting For Food this Fall. Andy is currently
in Kuwait, and couldn't get the time off to attend Roundtable. . . . . . . . .
******Work Days at Camp Boyhaven************
Our Camp Boyhaven Ranger Gus Boucher told us about the upcoming Camp
Boyhaven work days. He is also in need of "wood choppers,
splitters & cutters," they are building a "leanto mover,"
and already planning on getting things ready for next year!
He has projects for Tigers to us "Older" Veterans. From Ages
We have projects for everyone big and small, Skilled or not. CALL
885-7800 or 882-6040
We need chain saws & wood splitters. We have tools for painting &
The camp needs your HELP, Morning, Afternoon or a WHOLE DAY.
Please join us for a day of work, fun and fellowship of scouting.
Scouts who complete 4 hours of Camp Boyhaven Work will be eligible to
purchase the Camp Boyhaven "Trailblazer" Strip.
I am sure that you can call
to set up a work day to assist. All help welcome.
********From Sarah*********************
Sarah reported that the Great Escape Fall Council Camporee had about 2000 in
Attendance. Special Thanks to all the Schenectady District Volunteers!
She is requesting the input of all Schenectady Units who attended.
Sarah also said
"Thanks" to Denise Sherman-Schwind, Coordinator of Pack 888, and
our District's Show N Sell Popcorn Sales for units up at the Glenville
Walmart's. It was said that each unit who participated made a minimum
of $1000 in Sales.
**** IMPORTANT****
All Popcorn Orders are to be Submitted on the Web DO NOT CLICK
"Submit to Council" UNTIL your order is finalized.
We need YOUR Ideas for 2003's
Council Event. (i.e. Camporee? Scout Show? etc. . .)
Send your suggestions to
Sarah also talked about past
recipients of the Prestigious Council Silver Beaver Award. Info on
nominating someone is located below.
While we're on Silver Beavers, Special Thanks
to Sarah for compiling a Complete list of Schenectady District (And Formerly
Council) Silver Beavers. This list dates back to 1933 and has been
formatted for placement on our District Web Site within the next week.
Here is the news on our "NEW" Schenectady
District Web Site. We have 44 Pages
of Vital District Information up and running now on the Internet, with
several pages waiting to be added. (District Calender, "About
the Schenectady District", About Schenectady County, Silver Beavers,
Training Etc. . .)
There are 2 Address's you can use to get in:
Both work well depending upon YOUR WEB
If there are any units that I do NOT have
listed as "Units on the Web,"
Please contact me with YOUR Website address.
We have also added a "Webmasters Notes & Updates"
page, so that you can see the changes and updates to the District Website.
As well as "when" they were made, this will keep YOU up to
If you have any Scouting Websites that You would like to add to our Sites
for Scout Surfing, Email me.
This is YOUR
DISTRICT Web SITE, let's have YOUR input.
that you sign our
Guest Book.
2003 Schenectady District SPRING Camporee
Committee Meeting
10/9/02 7PM
In Attendance John Papp, Harold Knox, Pete Rosa, Steve Hyashi
Date: May 16, 17, 18, 2003
Location: TBA
Theme: We want YOUR VOTE,
Indian Lore OR
Preparedness. Decision will be made based upon YOUR VOTES, so let
Papp know as soon as possible.
Need Cub Leaders on Committee.
Once Location is finalized, we will work on logistics for Bathrooms, Water,
Program, etc. . .
The Committee jokingly nominated Jack Whitehead as Committee Chair.
More news to follow in the near future.
NEXT SDSCC Meeting will be at the Next Roundtable, at
7PM. Please feel free to JOIN us, we do need YOUR
Each year at the Council Annual Meeting, several dedicated and deserving
Scouting Volunteers are awarded the prestigious Silver Beaver Award.
This award is the highest form of recognition that a council can present to
a volunteer.
This award does not just happen by itself. Applications for qualified
candidates must be submitted by friends, family and fellow Scouters who know
their story that makes them special.
Accomplishments that are considered for the Silver Beaver include:
Scouting tenure
Service to Scouting
Service to the community outside
of Scouting
Contact Nancy Hartstein at 869-6436 x39 for a Silver Beaver Application.
Remember, no matter how worthy a Scouter may be, they can't be recognized or
even considered unless an application is submitted on their behalf. ~from
the Twin Rivers "Signals" Newsletter
**********SPECIAL SERVICES Our Scouts Should
- Schenectady District Scouts Statue of
Liberty Rededication Services, Saturday October 26th 2002 at 9AM.
It is the Schenectady Scouts from 1952
who purchased and originally dedicated this statue, it is now our
honor to attend the yearly services, especially since this is the 50th
ANNIVERSARY of our Schenectady Scouts ORIGINAL Donation. PLEASE
place this important ceremony on your unit calenders!!
Additional Note,
the Gazette contacted me for media Coverage of this Ceremony. Look
for an Article in their Sunday October 27th Edition.
Reporter Jeff Wilkin did the interview.
Veteran's Day Services will be held at Veteran's Park, State Street,
opposite the new MVP Building at
11 AM on
November 11th. Open House at Rotterdam Elks Lodge 2157, Curry
Road after the Services. Rotterdam Services 2:30PM at Town
The youth of today must continue the spirit of patriotism and
remembering those who sacrificed so that we all can be free.
Kurt von
Commissioner Troop 15 & 357
**************40th Anniversary
Klondike Patches***************
Herb Roes,
past Coordinator for the Schenectady (formerly Eastern Mohawk) Klondike
Derby and Deep Freeze has created a wonderful Klondike Patch Commemorating
the upcoming 40th Anniversary Klondike and Deep Freeze.
This Klondike
is well known throughout Twin Rivers Council and the Northeast as "One
of the Most Competitive" Klondike Events in the Country
Since the 25th
Klondike, Commemorative Anniversary Patches have been Created every 5 years. (25th,
30th, 35th and now 40th)
These are NOT the official Klondike Patches you will
receive up at the Klondike/Deep Freeze this coming January. These are
Commemoratives where a caring Scouter has gone out of his way to create a
memory for all of us.
All Proceeds for the Patches will be given to Camp
Boyhaven Projects Fund. Cost is ONLY
$2 each. ONLY 300 were made.
Contact Herb
for Yours TODAY before they sell out. 372-2214
or email
************Tiger Cub FUN DAY 2002******************
All New Tiger Cubs and their partners are invited to come
to Camp Boyhaven Saturday, October 19th for a day of games and activities.
An Opening ceremony will be held at 9:00AM, and the event will conclude at
approximately 2:00PM The cost is $5 per Tiger Cub and includes lunch.
Please pre-register at our Council Service Center.
DEN CHIEFS for this day are also needed.
Hello Schenectady Scouters:
Tiger Fun Day is THIS Saturday.
Thank you again in advance to everyone
who has volunteered to help out in providing some good old Boy Scout fun.
I am looking forward to seeing
everyone bright and early at 8:00am, near the White House.
A note of travel, there is a detour
for Middleline Road, as a bridge is being worked on (very near Route 29).
The detour is clearly defined. Also, Rout 29 is being worked on, so
don't miss the road for Boyhaven.
What to bring:
each person should bring a bag of potato chips (for lunch) to donate, and if
you have walkie talkies, bring those too. Other than that, bring your
good old Scouting humor.
Here is a run down of the activities:
- Archery (Drew Chesney and 2 Scouts)
will be held at the Archery Range
- Bread on a Stick (Rob Zak and his
son, and 1 Scout) will be held at the Campfire area
- Nature Walk (MaryAnne Jordon and 2
Scouts) will be near the Nature Lodge across the dam
- Natural Boat Making (Tammy Deamour
and 1 Scout) will be held at the Fishing Lake
- Scavenger Bingo (Ruth Lacoss) will
be run from the Trading Post
- We will have a Campfire, hosted by
Ranger Gus at the Campfire area after lunch
- And Lunch will be in the Dining
Hall, courtesy of John Dohring and MaryAnne Jordan
9:00 Registration at the
Trading Post
9:15 Opening and Welcome at the
parade grounds
9:30 Activity Period
12:00 Lunch at the dining hall
12:30 Activity period
1:00 Games at the parade
grounds - note: activities will stay open if everyone has not had a
chance to complete them
1:30 Assemble at flag
1:40 Campfire and Closing
2:00 Go home and thank
your parents for letting you be in Cub Scouts
Mel Oliveira
(NOW, lets hope for no RAIN or snow.
. . . .JP)
************KLONDIKE DERBY 2003***********************************
Derby and Deep Freeze at Camp Boyhaven Celebrates 40th
Anniversary in January, 2003! And
You’re Invited!
The 40th Annual Klondike Derby and Deep Freeze at Camp Boyhaven
will be held January 25-26, 2003. Event
brochures will be in the mail to Schenectady and Sir William Johnson District
Scoutmasters by October 15. Other
Twin Rivers Council troops are most welcome to join us!
Leaders may obtain information from the Camp Boyhaven website at
(after November 1) or by contacting George Loucks (884-0588).
Come one; come all! Let’s
celebrate the “Big Four-O” in a Big Way!
and Webelos Dens are invited to Camp Boyhaven on Saturday, January 25 to
observe 50 or more Boy Scout Patrols as they compete in the Klondike Derby
skill events. Do note, however,
that no activities are planned for Cubs or Webelos on Saturday; they are not
to overnight camp with a Boy Scout Troop.
This is an event for Boy Scout participation only.
There are no registration fees for Cubs, their leaders or parents.
Special patches will be presented to the first 125 boys who register on
Saturday, January 25. More
detailed information will be available at fall Roundtable Meetings.
Or contact George Loucks at
for HERE, we HOPE for SNOW!! . . . .Figure that one out! . . . . .JP)