March 2002 Roundtable Notes
Hi Schenectady District!
Just got back from the FANTASTIC "Institute of Scouting
& Pow Wow 2002 at Siena. Wow, what a great time. I even
visited a session during my scheduled break time, as I couldn't
learn enough.
To Quote the Movie Short Circuit, "need
more input." My favorites for this year were Dutch
Oven Cooking by Frank Kramer, Trained Jr. Leaders by Steve Kopecky, Troop
Committee at work by Kathy Bradke & Leave No Trace by Ted Beblowski.
Actually, we enjoyed all the sessions! Many were refreshers
and others gave me a lot of new ideas. This was my
Second Institute and certainly will NOT be my last. Lots learned and
lots TOO learn.
Now if only we can get a session on "Scouting History
through Memorabilia" back on the Course list. Don't
worry, I've already re-volunteered for the next Institute.
DISCLAIMER: These notes are the results of my
scribbling and recollection, I make no claims to it being 100% accurate.
Being now 39, I cannot have "Senior Moments," at least not yet.
So they are my "Junior Moments" for now. Occasionally, (!?) I
will express my opinion, however it is only my opinion. This Opinion and
a $1 will get me a cup of Coffee and a $1 more will get me a Chalupa.
PLEASE feel free to "forward" this entire message to ANY
Parents or Leaders in your Units. Or better yet, print it out
for your meetings and quite possibly a good laugh.
IF anyone ever wishes to be added to this unique email list, please have them
email me here at:
We currently have 179 (!) Scout Leaders
on this email list.
IF you receive MORE than one copy of this posting, please
notify me and accept my apologies. Free email you know.
Attention all Internet Scouters, I am sending the next edition of
"Scout Stuff FOUND" this week. If you have subscribed for
this great list, and do not receive it by Friday, please let me know, the
entire Scout Stuff Address List is now vapor, so I rewrote it from memory,
which isn't the greatest all the time. (<;
If you wish to be ADDED to this list, reply back to me here at
and we will be more than glad to add you to our Internet Scouting Surfer's
list. This list sends out every now and then (READ:
John get's some free time) messages, hints, ideas, links
and info that is ahhhhhh, errrrr
"Scout Stuff Found on the
**********START 3/13/02 ROUNDTABLE NOTES******************
Camp Boyhaven Gopher-Termite Workday
Saturday May 4th up at Camp Boyhaven, Come one, come all.
************CHARTER DUE??!!********************************
Some Units STILL have Charters DUE!!!?
*******Camperships are AVAILABLE
Camperships are AVAILABLE for Cubs & Scouts who are in
Financial Need and wish to attend a Twin Rivers Council Summer Camp.
Applications are available through Roundtable, HQ or please contact Rob Zak
at: "No
Cub or Scout should miss the Summer Camp Adventure."
**********Schenectady District Dinner***************
Time for our Annual Schenectady District Dinner.
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 6:30PM
Buffet Style Dinner at Attanasio's (Chicken Marsaia, Alfredo, Ziti)
Mohawk (NY5) at South Ballston Ave (NY50) in Scotia
$20 per person
Checks made payable to "Twin Rivers Council"
Payment Dust by April 15, 2002
Any Questions, please contact Marianne Jordan 399-2496
Spouse's REQUIRED!
***********Council Junior Leader Training***************************
It starts August 11 - 17. There is an early payment discount of $150.
Otherwise it is $170. for the week.
We have two troops this year and can accommodate 84 scouts. It is
first come, first served
For more info, contact Course SM Bill McDonald at:
*************Schenectady District Spark Plug Award
Schenectady District of the Twin Rivers Council knows that there are
exceptional volunteers in our scouting units. These "Adult Scouters"
deserve recognition for their special efforts that promote a valuable program
for their Cub, Scout and Explorer units. You can easily recognize these
"Spark Plugs" for what they do. They are always there to get the job
The Spark Plug Awards will be presented at our District Recognition
Dinner on Wednesday, April 24, 2002. Please invite your Spark Plug recipient
and unit members to this Dinner. By attending this event, with your recipient,
you will be showing your support for their efforts to create quality programs
for the youth in our community.
Who is your Scouter that merits this Award? When making your selection,
please choose someone that hasn't received this award in the past. This person
should also be a registered Scouter. Complete the nomination form below and
return to Jan E. Herdman by e-mail or the U S Postal System on or before April
4, 2002.
Plug Award Nomination
of Recipient _____________________________________________________________
# and Position Held_______________________________________________________
Name & Position_____________________________________________________
Telephone Number____________________________________________________
one nomination per unit and that person must be a registered Scouter.
due by April 4, 2002
Jan E. Herdman
Or e-mail
Charles Street
NY 12302
************Award of Merit Nominations*************
Nominations for the 2002 Award of Merit are also being accepted.
Applications can be obtained at our Roundtable or Council HQ. They
must be returned to Tom Chaison at 123 N. Holmes St. Scotia, NY 12302.
If you have any questions, please contact Tom at 377-9651
As of this Roundtable, there are NO Nominations received
yet for this prestigious award.
********DISTRICT TRAINING CHAIRMAN***********************
Harold Knox has now been volunteered to be our District
Training Chairman, Congratulations Harold!
********DEN CHIEF'S WANTED****************************
Ruth LaCoss, Cub Day Camp Director NEEDS DEN CHIEFS, July 29th- August
2nd. Transportation is being provided from SCCC (tentative) to Camp
if interested,
********CAMPOREE IDEAS MEETING******************************
As agreed, we will be holding a "CAMPOREE IDEAS MEETING" for all
Schenectady District Leaders at the NEXT ROUNDTABLE April 10th, at 7PM.
All Interested Leaders requested to attend this early meeting. This is
to assist with Coordinating our Districts Camporee for the Spring of '03.
2002 Schenectady District Spring Camporee Has Been Cancelled.
Options for all units are noted below.
*********Spring Camporee OPTIONS*********************
None of the 4 planned events mention cubs, so I suspect they are not
invited to the events.
Sarah will try to follow up on that.
Saratoga District
'America on Wheels' May 17-19, 2002 at Camp Boyhaven
contact Tim Williams 695-9410 or
Sir William
'Mission Impossible' May 18-19, at Woodworth Lake Scout Reservation
This is a night time event.
contacts: Nick Dagostino 853-4361 or
John Kent
'Leave no Trace' May 17-19 at Schodack Town Park
No other info. on flyer.
'Outdoor Scout Skills' at the old Frontier Town facility, May 17-19
contact: Cy Bresett 642-0798
********Saratoga District Spring Camporee******************
Sunday, March 24th
Troop, & Crew Leaders,
I have just returned from a planning meeting for Saratoga's Spring Camp-O-Ree,
to be held May 17-19, 2002 at Camp Boyhaven. First, I am thankful for
the Saratoga & Sir Wm. Scouters who so quickly invited our boy scouts to
participate in their events, when they learned we had canceled
ours. I am especially thankful that Saratoga invited me to attend their
planning meeting and get the details on their plans.
First, the Saratoga program does not include cubs or Webelos.
Last year, Saratoga's event had about 625 participants, and they expect a
higher turnout this year. They have already ordered 700 patches.
They have requested that we give them a realistic estimate of how many from
Schenectady will participate so that everyone can receive an event patch that
Please let me know if your unit is planning to attend, and if so, an estimate
number of how many scouts and Scouters. They have been kind to invite
us, and while I know this is short notice, please, lets respect this request.
We know what it's like to attend this type of event, and then have to wait for
the patch.
The theme of the event is 'America on Wheels'. Participants are asked to
bring their own road, mountain, and BMX bikes. They are attempting to
have some extras, but have not gotten a definite commitment on that.
There will be a 10 mile road loop set up as well as a mountain bike loop.
I understand that the entire camp property will be in use. In addition
there will be two sets of other activities available to fill out the day.
There will be several maintenance sites set up for working on the bikes, and a
number of bike shops are being contacted to set up displays. A merit
badge counselor has volunteered his services to help scouts start on the M.B.
So that the program does not need to have a midday break, three sandwich
stations will be set up throughout camp. PB&Js and drinks will be
provided at these sites. Participants will be able to get a quick lunch
and get back to the program
Units that want to drop off their bikes in advance, will be allowed to do so.
Arrangements must be made with Gus. The bikes will be stored in a locked
building, and will be available for pick up Friday night. Once picked
up, bikes are the responsibility of the unit.
With the possibility of 700+ scouts and Scouters attending this event,
campsites will be assigned on a first come basis, with some consideration
given to site size. The White House has been reserved for adult staff
who are without a unit.
For emergency medical needs, 6 EMTs will be onsite and the Health Lodge will
be open.
A nondenominational service is also planned. And the OA is being
contacted for organizing a joint callout at the Saturday night campfire.
Planning for this event started last fall. If you have any questions,
please feel free to ask. I request that you go through me so that
everyone can learn your question and answer. In addition, the chairman
of the event, Tim Williams, has offered to come to our April R.T. to discuss
the program and answer any of your questions.
The pre registration form, and some preliminary information is available on
the Boyhaven site (
under 'What's New'. The Scout Special registration fee of $5 applies to
units who pre-register and pay their fee to council by May 3rd. After
May 3rd, the fee is $8.
I am very grateful to the Saratoga Camp-O-Ree Committee, that our scouts have
this opportunity,
*******COUNCIL FALL CAMPOREE**************************
FALL Camporee has been announced for the Council:
To be held at the GREAT ESCAPE funpark!
This will take place October 4-6th. The main event will be Saturday
October 5th in the park at the Great Escape. Special programs will be
available for the youth through the Camporee Committee and the Great Escape.
Other happenings will be the Haunted House and the Trick or Treat Trail for
youth 12 Years and younger.
The Cost for Camporee Registration will be under $20.00
Camping will be made available for the Scout Troops, Crews & Posts.
New Members (Scouts) who join in September will get a FREE
ADMISSION to the Fall Camporee. (Tentative, read: NOT yet
in writing)
*************Porter Mtn Trail Clearing Project **************************
Porter Mtn Trail Clearing Project Saturday May 11th, 2002
The Schenectady ADK Chapter will have a Scheduled Trail Clearing Day on May
11th, to work on the Porter Mtn. Trail. (3.84 Miles) from the Road to
the Garden. They Can use Scout Help. Troop Leaders please call
Peter Slocum Schtdy ADK Trails Chair at 489-7369
********Schenectady District Newsletter***********************
Schenectady District Newsletter:
Any unit is interesting in submitting information
for either please do so at least one week prior to the next Round table
Meeting. Also if any Unit is interested in linking a unit Web page to
the District site let us know.
*************Training Knot Forms*******************************
I had a question today regarding the training knot forms that I had available
at R.T. last week. It seems that I had old versions of most of the
forms. In case anyone else is wondering why this was done, here's the
For those Scouters completing training knots for the upcoming recognition
dinner, they have been grandfathered in under the old requirements. It
was felt that it wasn't fair to change requirements on something with a
multi-year tenure, in the last year.
After this recognition dinner, we will be going by the new requirements.
Anyone who has a problem with the new requirements, and is close to completion
but will not be done by the dinner, can see me.
*********GE Gift Matching Program********************************************
The GE gift matching program for the Boy Scouts which has been in place for a
number of years is being closed on 31Mar.02. The next few weeks are the last
that GE employees and retirees can contribute to Scouting and get the money
matched by the Company by calling the GE Fund at 800-462-8244 put in
the zip code of Scouts Hdqtrs. 12205 pick Twin Rivers Council under the more
gifts more givers program. GE will not match pledges,only payments.
*********Troop 23's Annual Pancake Breakfast *************
Troop 23's Annual Pancake Breakfast
April 6th, 2002
7:00 am to 12:00 pm
Broadway United Methodist Church
2140 Broadway, Schenectady 12306
cost: Adults $4.50 Children 6 to 11 $3.50
5 and under Free
Menu: pancakes & Syrup, Sausage, Scrambled Eggs,
Applesauce, Coffee, Tea, Milk, & Orange Juice
Troop 23
Bernard T. Shaw
2140 Broadway
Schenectady, NY 12306
* 518-387-7229 work
7 518-342-7842 pager
**************Sisilija Chapter OA******************************
Sisilija Chapter Notes:
April 20th & 27th will be our Chapter's CHAPEL Construction Project.
Lunch will be Provided.
Vigil Nominations are now being accepted.
For further info, feel free to contact our Chapter Chief Tom Tiberio at:
*********Schenectady District Troops Totem Pole Project**************************
Bart brought his excellent Eagle Totem for the Totem Pole Project, with a
little Sawing, Paint and time, we have now seen the excellent results!
For Info, contact: Bart Chabot
********BALOO TRAINING***************************
Cub Scout Leader Outdoor Orientation
When: April 13th, 8:30AM-5:00PM
Where: Camp Boyhaven, Horsley Training Center
Who: Cub Scout Leaders & Committee Members Invited
Cost: $15.00 (includes Lunch & Handouts)
What: A "Hands On" experience to provide you, the Cub Scout
Adult, with the knowledge necessary to help you "plan a pack
Campout" (even if you have minimal camping experience!)
QUESTIONS: Call Alice Milewski (Course Director) at 377-4136
after 7PM.
Pick up green form at Scout HQ.
********Outdoor Leader Skills Development Training********************
ALL NEW Outdoor Leader Skills Development Training:
Friday April 26th (6PM) to 12 Noon Sunday April 28th, 2002
Camp Boyhaven-Horsley Training Area
Registration MUST be Received by registrar 4/19/02
You must attend this course to be considered "trained" for your
Obtain information at Scout HQ and send in to Cindy Phillips, 9 Carlyle
Terrace, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. For Further info contact Rick Herr,
Course Director at 346-3898 or email at
*******************UPDATED District
APRIL 2002
District Commissioner Staff Meeting @ St. Clare's Hospital, 7PM
PLANNING Meeting 7PM prior to Roundtable.
10 District Roundtable @
Schenectady High School, 7:30PM
17 District Committee Meeting @
Faith United Methodist, 7PM
20 Sisilija
Chapter Chapel Project Workday at Camp Boyhaven, Volunteers
24 District Recognition Dinner
27 Sisilija Chapter Chapel Project
Workday at Camp Boyhaven, Volunteers Needed
Sisilija Chapter OA “ Call-Out” Ceremony, details TBA
MAY 2002
District Commissioner Staff Meeting @ St. Clare's Hospital, 7PM
4 Sisilija Chapter Chapel Project
Workday at Camp Boyhaven, Volunteers Needed (Date Tentative if
8 District Roundtable @
Schenectady High School, 7PM
15 District Committee Meeting @
Faith United Methodist, 7PM
18 Sisilija Chapter Elangomat
23 Rotterdam Memorial Parade
Memorial Service, Town Hall 2:30PM, VFW 1895 Open House Following
JUNE 2002
7-9 Spring
Ordeal for the OA
11 Rotterdam Elks Flag Day
Parade/Services Mohonasen Driveway 6PM
12 District Program Kick-Off
JULY 2002
29-8/2 Cub Scout Day Camp
National Order of
the Arrow Conference
- July 27- August 1 { 2 days for traveling before and after}
17-18 Sisilija Chapter Fun Weekend
28 Popcorn Kick-Off
That is EVERYTHING as of TODAY, all
subject to change TOMORROW.
Yours in Scouting Spirit,
John M. Papp
"Nendawen" ~The Torch Carrier, "He who shows the way."
Eagle Scout Class of 1977
Scoutmaster of Troop 357, Rotterdam-Schenectady, New York
2001 National Jamboree "Jambo TODAY" Photo Editor
Schenectady District Email Administrator
Sisilija Chapter "Service" Advisor
Aged Patch Collector
"Since 9-11, America
is coming BACK to the Values that SCOUTING has
~J.M. Papp