February 2002 Roundtable Notes
Hi Schenectady District!
DISCLAIMER: These notes are the results of my
scribbling and recollection, I make no claims to it being 100% accurate.
Being now 39, I cannot have "Senior Moments," at least not yet.
So they are my "Junior Moments" for now. Occasionally, (!?) I
will express my opinion, however it is only my opinion. This Opinion and
a $1 will get me a cup of Coffee.
PLEASE feel free to "forward" this entire message to ANY Parents or
Leaders in your Units. Or better yet, print it out for your meetings and
quite possibly a good laugh.
IF anyone ever wishes to be added to this unique email list, please have them
email me here at:
After 5 years at "Street-Rodder" I "think" the account
exploded from excessive usage. Let's see how long I can keep
this one, any bets?
We currently have 181 (!) Scout Leaders
on this email list.
IF you receive MORE than one copy of this posting, please
notify me and accept my apologies. Free email you know.
***************CHARTERS DUE*********************************
From Sarah:
We are now down to our last 10 days to get charters in on time. To date,
I've only received 13 charters. As I review each one for problems,
regardless of where it is turned in, I will have a lot of last minute
reviewing to do, prior to 2/28.
*********Schenectady District Troops Totem Pole Project**************************
From Bart Chabot
I plan to bring in my Totem to the next RT in March to
stimulate all others. Sure would be nice to have them at Spring
YiS, Bart
********BALOO TRAINING***************************
Cub Scout Leader Outdoor Orientation
When: April 13th, 8:30AM-5:00PM
Where: Camp Boyhaven, Horsley Training Center
Who: Cub Scout Leaders & Committee Members Invited
Cost: $15.00 (includes Lunch & Handouts)
What: A "Hands On" experience to provide you, the Cub Scout
Adult, with the knowledge necessary to help you "plan a pack
camp-out" (even if you have minimal camping experience!)
QUESTIONS: Call Alice Milewski (Course Director) at 377-4136 after
Pick up green form at Scout HQ.
********Vigil Honor Breakfast******************************
Haudenosaunee Lodge 19 Annual Vigil Breakfast- For Vigil Honor Members
Saturday March 9th at 9AM.
Pine Grove United Methodist Church
Central Avenue, Colonie
Cost is $6
Reservation Deadline is March 4th.
Forms available at Scout HQ
*********2001 National Quality DISTRICT!*************************
CONGRATULATIONS! We are now all a part of a 2001 National Quality
District!! Thanks to you, our Unit Leaders, and the hard work of our
District Leaders, we have now earned the National Quality District. This
Award is given for the following: Increase in Membership/Recruiting, District
Activities, Charter Procedures and your dedication to all of our Units.
With special thanks to Melissa Schweigard, our District Membership increased
1/3rd with her efforts to enroll schools in our Learning for Life Program.
(Northeast Region, had an overall membership decline)
******SPRING CAMPOREE (?) *********
Right now, we have NO VOLUNTEERS to help coordinate and run
our District's Spring Camporee.
What does this mean? If we do NOT get someone, you, your neighbor, your
fellow Scouters, to Step up and VOLUNTEER, there will not be a Schenectady
District Camporee for our SCOUTS!!
It is now up to you.
**********Schenectady District Dinner***************
Time for our Annual Schenectady District Dinner.
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 6:30PM
Buffet Style Dinner at Attanasio's (Chicken Marsaia, Alfredo, Ziti)
Mohawk (NY5) at South Ballston Ave (NY50) in Scotia
$20 per person
Checks made payable to "Twin Rivers Council"
Payment Dust by April 15, 2002
Any Questions, please contact Mariann Jordan 399-2496
Spouse's REQUIRED!
***********Council Junior Leader Training***************************
It starts August 11 - 17. There is an early payment discount of $150.
Otherwise it is $170. for the week.
We have two troops this year and can accommodate 84 scouts. It is first
come, first served
For more info, contact Course SM Bill McDonald at: WMcdo63528@aol.com
*************Schenectady District Spark Plug Award
Schenectady District of the Twin Rivers Council knows that there are exceptional
volunteers in our scouting units. These "Adult Scouters" deserve
recognition for their special efforts that promote a valuable program for their
Cub, Scout and Explorer units. You can easily recognize these "Spark
Plugs" for what they do. They are always there to get the job done!
The Spark Plug Awards will be presented at our District Recognition
Dinner on Wednesday, April 24, 2002. Please invite your Spark Plug recipient and
unit members to this Dinner. By attending this event, with your recipient, you
will be showing your support for their efforts to create quality programs for
the youth in our community.
Who is your Scouter that merits this Award? When making your selection,
please choose someone that hasn't received this award in the past. This person
should also be a registered Scouter. Complete the nomination form below and
return to Jan E. Herdman by e-mail or the U S Postal System on or before April
4, 2002.
Plug Award Nomination
of Recipient _____________________________________________________________
# and Position Held_______________________________________________________
Name & Position_____________________________________________________
Telephone Number____________________________________________________
one nomination per unit and that person must be a registered Scouter.
due by April 4, 2002
Jan E. Herdman
Or e-mail JanEHerd@aol.com
Charles Street
NY 12302
************Award of Merit Nominations*************
Nominations for the 2002 Award of Merit are also being accepted.
Applications can be obtained at our Roundtable or Council HQ. They must
be returned to Tom Chaison at 123 N. Holmes St. Scotia, NY 12302.
If you have any questions, please contact Tom at 377-9651
SM Session:
Mr. Tom Chaison was our guest host this month, and provided us with an excellent
session on "Eagle Scout Progression Guidelines
in a Nutshell."
Our "Thanks" to Tom for filling in while our Own World Traveler Herb
Roes, was in Las Vegas for vacation.
*******Sisilija Chapter Notes************
The Chapter "Lock-In" previously reported here has now been
April 20th & 27th will be our Chapter's CHAPEL Construction Project.
Lunch will be Provided.
Vigil Nominations are now being accepted.
For further info, feel free to contact our Chapter Chief Tom Tiberio at:
*********District Scout Show & Pinewood Derby************
This past weekend, many of us gathered at Rotterdam Square Mall for our Annual
Scout Show & Pinewood Derby. The Pinewood Derby was hosted with
the computerized Track from Pack 50, and attended by Dozens.
Best Of Show, Best Scout-Like, and
Most Original Awards were Judged by the Scouts of Troop 357 and Mark &
Lois Johnson.
The Scout Show had Troop 357 in
attendance with an excellent Display promoting their Activities with a
fantastic video of the 2001 National Jamboree running All Day. Local
Shoppers were seen stopping by the Derby and the Troop Display all day.
In between all of the Activity, our Dedicated District Leaders, Sarah &
Rob were seen reviewing Charters.
Special thanks to all of the Scouts and Scouters who attended!!
Why I am a Leader
I'm not a Scouting leader for the easy hours, high pay(!?),
parents' gratitude, power or prestige.
I'm a leader because I want the world for your child and mine - a world they
can share and help shape; a world of love and laughter, where they can show
I want them to look at the stars, a sunrise, a sunset, the work and world of
man - and feel its beauty inside of themselves.
I want to help them learn to finish anything they start and do it well, and to
guide them to know their worth with a deeper understanding of themselves.
I want to help shape adults who have strength of character and are sensitive
to the needs of others.
I want them to be the best they can be.
I'm giving of myself and my time. I reap rewards far beyond what I give. I
receive for my children, your children, and future children a better world.
How much is a Scout leader paid, I hear you ask; my wage consists of smiles
and laughter, observing a child's growing self confidence and the look of
personal triumph on the face of a child who has achieved more than they
thought they could.
Anyone who can teach me or show me a better way to do this job, anyone who
gives of their time to help me become a better leader, and anyone who by
action or deed makes the Scouting program come alive will forever have my
undying gratitude.
I am a Scouting Leader because I care.
(Routinely, I would SAVE this for our "Scout STUFF FOUND
on the Web Email List, However felt it was SO GOOD, that all of you might
like to receive a copy. JP)