Eagle Scout Stuff
In order to properly document your Eagle Service Project, www.eaglescout.org has provided an Eagle Service Project Workbook. (This was allegedly issued to you by Council when you achieved the rank of Life Scout.) There are many helpful tips and guidelines in this book in addition to the forms that are recommended for you to use in writing up your project. The forms in the book work great if you have a typewriter that you can crank them in to.
Eagle Service Project Planning Guide (and a BUNCH of other good stuff.)
Eagle Commendation Letter Addresses
New Info... in the past, the U.S.Army has provided a very popular form they called the "Youth Certificate of Recognition". This was sent to Eagle Scouts (among others) from Army headquarters. The address may appear in the link above or below. Be advised this is no longer the case. Now, you must request that Certificate through local Army recruiting offices. It occurs to me that this MAY be more efficient, but it for sure provides a local recruiter with the name of a Great potential recruit as well. :-)
More Eagle Commendation Letter Addresses and a sample letter
Even More Eagle Project Ideas (we'll NEVER run out of ideas!)