August 2002 Roundtable Notes
Hi Schenectady District,
OK, Summer's half over. For me, things have been real busy here. Between T357 Summer Camp, our Adirondack High Adventure 50+ Mile Canoe Trek, and Mountain Biking 250+ Miles, I've gotten Side Tracked from my duties here as Schenectady District Email Administrator. My Sincere apologies to Gus and Denise for the delay in releasing of these announcements.
7th Popcorn Kick-Off
17-18 Sisilija Chapter Fun Weekend
September 2002
11th Roundtable
With the Popcorn Kick off around the corner, it is important details begin getting worked out.
All RSVP's for Unit Leaders and Popcorn Kernals need to be to me no later than August 1st as well as what covered dish you will be bring so we may coordinate food, beverages and staff needed for the event.
Please contact me ASAP with this information at:
369-7304. please leave a message and I will return your call.
Each Unit should have at least One representative present.
Food dishes needed include:
Tossed Salad
Macroni Salad
Potato Salad
Cole Slaw
Baked Ziti
Bread & butter
Condiment tray (olives/pickles etc)
The hamburgers/hot dogs and beverages will be provided for you thanks to the generosity of area businesses.
I'm looking for a few folks who may be interested in helping out with the kick off.
I need 3 folks who would be willing to put together a few kids activities for about 15 or so kids. I have access to a battleship ring toss you can use.
I also need One person to help cook
and I need a few folks to help out with decorations/set up and such.
If you or someone you know is interested in helping out, please contact me ASAP.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours In Scouting;
Denise M. Schwind
Popcorn Kick Off Coordinator
Schenectady District
Twin Rivers Council -BSA
As of now Walt Seefeld 374-4599 (no e-mail as yet) has taken on the duties of District advancement chair,vice Tom Chaisson. I will continue on as Council Advancement chairman and will act as a backup for Walt.
*********KICKOFF PACKETS****************
Rob has taken all of the unclaimed Kickoff Packets to the
office. Unit leaders that did not attend the meeting on 6/12 can collect
their packets on a visit to the Boy Scout Office on Washington Ave.
This is the list of what needs to be done to open. Much has been done and I am great full to all who have helped.
Main Parking Lot:
2 inner gates
Staff Parking Lot:
trimming of brush and trees move rocks and stumps
Flag Pole:
Clear and set den Posts
Banker II {admin/ health lodge}
Repair floor tile
Clean & set up
Trading Post: { Much has been done by many people thanks to Dan Kellogg
and his son for a good start!}
Finish interior paneling
Floor tile
Raise deck & install steps
Rake stone
Camp Fire:
Rake out the stone
Clean out area
Arch: {Thanks to BBL for building the shelter and shooting station and the Rotary Club for the donation.}
Target stand
Back stop
Rope off
Some trail clearing
Mark area to be used
Crafts: {Thanks to Dan Crumb for installing the lights.}
Set up
Divide stalls
Install down spouts
Install Marine Toilet
Water System:
Finish connections to sports and latrines
Shed Built Needs to be moved.
RESIDENT CAMP {Only The "Biggies"}
Sports: 80% done {Thanks to Christopher Gates & The NOVA Society}
Finish the confidence course 2 elements
Wood Chips
Arch Both: 90% done
Reset target stands
Swimming/Boating: 75% done
Buddy BD.
Lower Showers: 10% done
Build stalls, plumb ect {I have details}
Climbing Wall: 80% done {Thanks to BBL Construction For building it and donating the materials}
Wood Chips
Foot & Hand holds
Camp Fire Area 90% done {Thanks to Crew 150}
Adjust benches
Trimming of branches
Rock Range: 90 % done {Thanks to Crew 150}
Adjust targets
Rope off
Safety Instructions
Pioneer: 0% done
Floor of building #28 needs to be rebuilt
Phone/PA System: 75% done { Thanks to the NOVA society}
Chapel 80% done { Thanks to the Order of the Arrow Schenectady}
Wood Chips
Carter Hall: 80 % done [Thanks to the Order of the Arrow}
More Cleaning
Paint kitchen floor,walk in floor, mixer
Repair Convex oven
Out Side Storage 25 % done
Finish sorting,cleaning,scraping & disposing of items
Cabins/Staff Quarters 0% done
Safety check-smoke det, fire ext ect.
At both Camps there is always: raking, cleaning, mowing, trimming, painting, weeding, sweeping ect.
Thanks to everyone that has helped to get to this point!!!!!!
If anyone has some time to spare give me a call or send me
a note.
Cub Scouts Activities Meeting:
Our Committee:
Denise M. Schwind - Chair- Pack 67
Ruth LaCosse - Pack 62-
Jean Paparella - Pack 59
Mel Oliveira - Pack 126
John Dohring - Pack 72
Mark Evans - Pack 50
Alice Milewski - District Advisor
I wish to extend a warm thank you to all of you who participated. I realize many of you are already overextended and have other obligations, however please know your input to this committee is invaluable.
We have a unique opportunity to set the wave of the future for Cub Scouting. Each of you has a unique level of interest that creates such a well rounded group, I am amazed.
First I would like to extend a warm welcome to Mark Evans of Pack 50 and John Dohring of Pack 72 to our group. Both gentlemen will be of tremendous value to us.
Thank you Ruth LaCoss, who is burning the Scout Candle at both ends. Already heavily involved in Camping-both Resident and Day Camp, she continues to go a step further and do her best to help our program. Ruth will be focusing on Family camping for Cub/Webelo Scouts, as well as getting us the rules and regulations involved .
Alice Milewski (via e-mail) who serves as our consultant has expressed that we need to be aware of the BSA rules and regulations for camping. Alice was included on our committee for this very reason, she is extremely knowledgeable in all areas of Scouting. She will keep us on the straight and narrow.
Next, Mark Evans, we thank you for allowing Pack 50 to be the first Host Pack for Cubs in the District. Mark will be working with me to coordinate Winterfest. He had several great ideas that the committee needs to ponder. First, I originally thought a Boy Scout/Adult heat was in order.
Mark would like to eliminate the adult portion and include a heat for any Boy Scouts interested. Makes sense to me but I need your thoughts/opinions. Also, As you know I suggested a District Marble Tournament. Mark thought that instead of a Tiger Cub Derby heat, Tigers could instead be engaging in a Marble activity. Packs(or Tiger dens) can first expose the boys to a contest, then bring them in to compete on a District level. They tend to be too young to work on cars at that age anyway. I personally thought this was a great idea. Again,.your thoughts/opinions.
District Ice Skating. Jean. already highly involved has volunteered to look into the idea of a District Skate or Broomball game etc. The local of interest is the Glenville rink. She will be looking into the details of cost for a Tiger or Wolf District function. It was agreed holding the event to all in the District would require more space.
Tiger Cub Fun Day - Mel Oliveira was most gracious in offering to head up Tiger Cub Fun Day. Mel is an energetic and pleasant Cub Master who will serve our new cubs well. He will need assistance from any who can help. October 19th 9am-2pm.
Mel has also been so kind as to help out with Fall Camporee Cub Activities. We need more help!!!! If any of you can assist with this or have a member of your committee who can help out, please contact Mel or Myself.
The same for the Tiger Fun Day. Drew offered an Archery range.
Fall Camporee - Great Escape. Mel has offered to help with Cub Activities however we will need more assistance, if you can find someone to help out, please let me know.
Klondike Derby-This is a Boy Scout function, however John Dohring will be working with leadership to create involvement for Cubs as well. Thanks John for your initiative and zeal on this.
Spring Camporee - To date..myself and John are the only two committed to setting up Cub Activities for this event. If you are interested, it is at Thatchers Park May 17th for Cubs.
Other topics included a float in the Christmas Parade. Each Unit involved would be responsible for a different portion. his can be a District wide project for both Cubs and Boy Scouts. Please forward you thoughts on this.
Project SALVAGE- helping start a Pack in Hamilton Hill. Create a standard guideline and have a volunteer from each Unit come in on a rotation basis to help start a Pack as well as train parents on procedures. Help a boy who without Scouts may have no help at all.
Kevin Sponable of Pack 54 had a tremendous amount of input on each of these topics, as well as great ideas for new ones. I have asked Kevin to join our group and await his reply.
That is all for now..I will keep you all posted.
Again, thank you for your participation in this group. I think you all know this is not about us, but about our sons, our neighbors sons and those sons we will never know, yet will impact their lives forever.
Denise M. Schwind
Hi All
hope you are having an enjoyable summer. I had a great Bahamas vacation and I'm ready to get moving on the next year.
Here are a few updates:
I attended a Troop 357 function with my boys, It confirmed to me that each Webelo II group should visit 2 or 3 troops before crossing over. Each Troop is unique and has much to offer boys of different levels. I appreciate John Papp-Scoutmaster for letting us sit in and I am confident if we asked him he would be open to the idea of being sort of a Host Troop that would welcome Webelo visitors. He appreciated our idea of Host Pack for leaders and is looking into a similar program with Harold Knox for Boy Scouts, so we are already having some affect on the District!!! Great Job!
Rob has contacted the Pastor in Hamiton Hill that I spoke with and got the ball rolling on a new Pack. To date there are 7 or 8 boys registered. Rob and Sarah held a recruitment and last Tuesday was their first Pack meeting. Myself, Mariann Jordan and Sarah attended (as did cubby)
and my two boys (Webelos) were there as well which proved helpful to have that interaction. We have another meeting this evening. As it stands Mariann,myself and my boys will be there. If you or anyone in your group are able to donate one hour (really only one hour) to a meeting for these boys it would be a great help. We are working on their bobcat badges so they can attend Day Camp and we need to get the Pack moving and get the leadership trained. We would especially like to see some male volunteers as these boys are in need of positive male role models.
please contact myself or any of the others listed above if you are willing and able.
I am also still collecting unwanted scout items for such a purpose as this.
I spoke with Howard Vics of Pack 7 and he has agreed to help out with the Spring Camporee. He is working on a large project with work now so hasn't officially joined our Committee but will be kept apprised of our goings on with his input always welcome.
We still need some adult leadership as well as Den Chiefs for Day camp. Please contact Ruth ASAP if you can help.
Next Meeting for us is September 11th at 6:30. this will allow those working on Spring Camporee to still attend that meeting at 7 and of course Round table is at 7:30.
Since it is Sept. 11th, I am thinking of suggesting a candle memorial/prayer just prior to Round table in memory of our losses one year ago that day.
Now go back to summer
except you Ruth...we got work to do !! :>)
Yours in Scouting;
Denise M. Schwind
Cub Scout Activities Coordinator
Schenectady District - Twin Rivers Council
Boy Scouts of America
And th-th-thats all for now folks. See you all this Wednesday at the Kickoff, I'm bringing the Popcorn.. . . . or maybe not, maybe chips? Or how about Girl Scout Cookies? Man, Talk about Decisions.
Yours in Scouting Spirit,
John M. Papp
"Nendawen" ~The Torch Carrier, "He who shows the way."
Eagle Scout Class of 1977
Scoutmaster of Troop 357, Rotterdam-Schenectady, New York
2001 National Jamboree "Jambo TODAY" Photo Editor
Schenectady District Email Administrator
Sisilija Chapter Patch Advisor
Aged Patch Collector
Web Sites at: &
"Since 9-11, America is coming BACK to the Values that SCOUTING has NEVER LEFT!"
~J.M. Papp
"YOUR Attitude is the Way YOU Think."