Jus' got back from a weekend with the Troop in the Buffalo/Niagara Falls
Region, if you want any Camp or Tourist Info on the region, feel free to drop
me a line, we had a FANTASTIC time!
IF anyone ever wishes to be added to this unique email list, please have them
email me here at:
Attention all Internet Scouters, I am sending the next edition of
"Scout Stuff FOUND" this week. If you have subscribed for
this great list, and do not receive it by Friday, please let me know, the
entire Scout Stuff Address List is now vapor, so I rewrote it from memory,
which isn't the greatest all the time. (<;
If you wish to be ADDED to this list, reply back to me here at
and we will be more than glad to add you to our Internet Scouting Surfer's
list. This list sends out every now and then (READ:
John get's some free time) messages, hints, ideas, links
and info that is ahhhhhh, errrrr
"Scout Stuff Found on the
********START April 10, 2002 Roundtable Notes***************
We held our 1st of Many
Schenectady District Camporee Planning Meetings this evening. There
were 9 of us in attendance, and more are ALWAYS WELCOME. We are
already working on a Theme and Location for next Springs Camporee ('03).
Theme is tentatively Indian Lore, with Locations being possibly, Thatchers,
Towasentha, Moreau or Saratoga Parks.
We are looking at the 1st weekend of May '03 for the dates.
We will be looking for Junior Leaders to run the Camporee under the
guidance of experienced Adult Leaders.
***********Pepsi Arena***************************
Pepsi Arena announced several upcoming Promotions, for details, stop by HQ
for a flyer.
Sarah announced that "some" Charters are IN!
May is our last
"Official" Roundtable of this Scouting Year.
June will
be next Scouting Years "Kickoff."
ALSO, at the MAY Roundtable, the District will be holding a
UNIT DISPLAY of your favorite Activities, Trips and
Adventures. Each Unit is REQUIRED to bring in Maps,
Flyers, Photos commemorating the event along with two Junior
Leaders to be with the Display. Contacts, Emails, Phone #'s would also
be a good idea..
Rob Announced that the Gazzette is looking to "tag
along" to cover the Activities of a Scout Unit.
It was also Announced that Larry Vincent of Pk 50 will be our upcoming
Popcorn Campaign Chairman.
**********Schenectady District Dinner***************
Time for our Annual Schenectady District Dinner.
Wednesday April 24th, 2002 6:30PM
Buffet Style Dinner at Attanasio's (Chicken Marsaia, Alfredo, Ziti)
Mohawk (NY5) at South Ballston Ave (NY50) in Scotia
$20 per person
Checks made payable to "Twin Rivers Council"
Payment Dust by April 15, 2002
Any Questions, please contact Marianne Jordan 399-2496
Spouse's REQUIRED!
After the 15th, $400 each. "Man, talk about a
**********Chapel Project*************
We will be working on the chapel this weekend (4/27/02)and I would like
to know how many people are going to be attending to help out.
We will be starting at 9am.
If a unit is planning on coming up please email me with about how many
people will be there. I would like to plan accordingly so that
we can have the right amount of work laid out for the day.
BYOB, Bag Lunch, "Bring your own Bag." NO
Uniforms, this is a workday.
Drew Chesney
*****Gopher/Termite Day'02**************
Camp Boyhaven Gopher-Termite Workday
Saturday May 4th up at Camp Boyhaven, Come one, come all.
********District Pinewood Derby/Winter Carnival*******
I have scheduled next year's
Pinewood Derby/Winter Carnival (Winterfest) for Saturday March 22, 2003.
I have also extended the time.
It will be
held 10:00 am-5:00pm
We may not need this much time
but I would like the safety net due to the fact that I expect
a bigger turn out and we will be conducting a few Scouter heats.
Please let me know if any of
you forsee any conflicts with this date so I can reschedule if need
As it stands the weekend of
the 15th has already been booked for the Fonda Show.
Thank You for your attention
in this matter;
In Scouting,
Denise M. Schwind
*******Camperships are AVAILABLE
Camperships are AVAILABLE for Cubs & Scouts who are
in Financial Need and wish to attend a Twin Rivers Council Summer Camp.
Applications are available through Roundtable, HQ or please contact Rob
Zak at:
"No Cub or Scout should miss the Summer Camp Adventure."
***********Council Junior Leader Training***************************
It starts August 11 - 17. There is an early payment discount of
$150. Otherwise it is $170. for the week.
We have two troops this year and can accommodate 84 scouts. It is
first come, first served
For more info, contact Course SM Bill McDonald at:
********DEN CHIEF'S WANTED****************************
Ruth LaCoss, Cub Day Camp Director NEEDS DEN CHIEFS, July 29th-
August 2nd. Transportation is being provided from SCCC
(tentative) to Camp Boyhaven
if interested,
*******COUNCIL FALL CAMPOREE**************************
FALL Camporee has been announced for the Council:
To be held at the GREAT ESCAPE funpark!
This will take place October 4-6th. The main event will be
Saturday October 5th in the park at the Great Escape. Special
programs will be available for the youth through the Camporee
Committee and the Great Escape. Other happenings will be the
Haunted House and the Trick or Treat Trail for youth 12 Years and
The Cost for Camporee Registration will be under $20.00
Camping will be made available for the Scout Troops, Crews &
1st 2000 New Members (Scouts) who join in September will get a FREE
ADMISSION to the Fall Camporee. Sign up date for
units in September. Give Sign up Date to Rob by the June
*************Porter Mtn Trail Clearing Project **************************
Porter Mtn Trail Clearing Project Saturday May 11th, 2002
The Schenectady ADK Chapter will have a Scheduled Trail Clearing Day
on May 11th, to work on the Porter Mtn. Trail. (3.84 Miles) from
the Road to the Garden. They Can use Scout Help. Troop
Leaders please call Peter Slocum Schtdy ADK Trails Chair at 489-7369
********Schenectady District Newsletter***********************
Schenectady District Newsletter:
Any unit is interesting in submitting
information for either please do so at least one week prior to the
next Round table Meeting. Also if any Unit is interested in
linking a unit Web page to the District site let us know.
*********Schenectady District Troops Totem Pole Project**************************
Bart brought his excellent Eagle Totem for the Totem Pole Project,
with a little Sawing, Paint and time, we have now seen the excellent
results! GREAT JOB BART!
For Info, contact: Bart Chabot
********Outdoor Leader Skills Development Training********************
ALL NEW Outdoor Leader Skills Development Training:
Friday April 26th (6PM) to 12 Noon Sunday April 28th, 2002
Camp Boyhaven-Horsley Training Area
Registration MUST be Received by registrar 4/19/02
You must attend this course to be considered "trained"
for your position.
Obtain information at Scout HQ and send in to Cindy Phillips, 9
Carlyle Terrace, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. For Further
info contact Rick Herr, Course Director at 346-3898 or email at
**********2002 Saratoga District Spring Camporee****************
ALL Bicycles, May 17-19, grease the gears and lets go! Camp
Boyhaven! Saturday May 18th will now be the Date for the
Sisilija Chapter Callout. Helmets & Gloves
SM does a safety Check of each Scouts Bike, (Gears, Brakes,
Working Order etc. . .)
No Cracks or Broken Straps on Helmets.
Responsible for your own bikes.
Bring Locks.
10 Mile Road Course around Boyhaven
Games for younger Scouts
Rope Tow
Saratoga Bike Patrol
Lunch Kiosks
(Registration INCLUDES LUNCH!)
@ Ranger
@ Dining Hall
@ Morgan Pavillion
Game Room @ Carter Hall
Bike Sharing Encouraged.
Pre-Order T-Shirts by 4/30/02
I'll be there, how about YOU?
*********Cycling for Fitness*************
For the past 3 weeks, on every Monday and Tuesday Evening, (Except
for yesterday's SNOW Day!) I have been riding the Rotterdam Bike
Trail for Fitness. So Far covering 75
We Traditionally meet between 5:45PM and 6PM at the Start of the
Bike Trail on the SCCC Loop Road/Bike Trail Entrance.
It takes about 1 1/2 Hrs to complete all 15 Miles of the Rotterdam
Section, although at "speed," I can do it in about 56
Minutes/16.1 MPH.
If you wish to meet us there, bring your bike and come on over,
the more the merrier! If you are planning on going, you can
call me on my Cell at 496-0671 to make sure I don't take off
before you arrive.
Fast or Slow, it's a lot of fun, great for stress, and great
exercise! Come on along!
*******************UPDATED District
APRIL 2002
24 District
Recognition Dinner
27 Sisilija Chapter
Chapel Project Workday at Camp Boyhaven, Volunteers
Sisilija Chapter OA “ Call-Out” Ceremony,
details TBA
MAY 2002
District Commissioner Staff Meeting @ St. Clare's Hospital, 7PM
4 Sisilija Chapter
Chapel Project Workday at Camp Boyhaven, Volunteers Needed (Date
Tentative if
8 District Roundtable
@ Schenectady High School, 7PM
15 District Committee
Meeting @ Faith United Methodist, 7PM
18 Sisilija Chapter
Elangomat Training
23 Rotterdam Memorial
Parade, Mohonasen Driveway Lineup.
Rotterdam Memorial Service, Town Hall 2:30PM, VFW 1895 Open
House Following
JUNE 2002
7-9 Spring
Ordeal for the OA
11 Rotterdam Elks Flag
Day Parade/Services Mohonasen Driveway
12 District Program
Kick-Off Meeting
JULY 2002
29-8/2 Cub Scout Day Camp
National Order
of the Arrow Conference
- July 27- August 1 { 2 days for traveling
before and after}
17-18 Sisilija Chapter
Fun Weekend
28 Popcorn Kick-Off
That is EVERYTHING as of TODAY, all
subject to change TOMORROW.
Yours in Scouting Spirit,
John M. Papp
"Nendawen" ~The Torch Carrier, "He who shows the
Eagle Scout Class of 1977
Scoutmaster of Troop 357, Rotterdam-Schenectady, New York
2001 National Jamboree "Jambo TODAY" Photo Editor
Schenectady District Email Administrator
Sisilija Chapter "Service" Advisor
Aged Patch Collector
"Since 9-11, America
is coming BACK to the Values that SCOUTING
~J.M. Papp